Step by step how to say the Rosary

How to say the rosary ok Here we go!
Begin by holding the Crucifix and saying the
Apostles, Creed
On the 1st bead, say 1
our Father.
On the next 3 beads, say
Hail Mary’s.
Next say 1
Glory Be to the father.
The Joyful Mysteries
Announce the 1st mystery of the selected group (Joyful Mysteries) The angel Gabriel brings the joyful message to Mary.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Then Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 2nd mystery of the selected group (Joyful Mysteries) Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 3rd mystery of the selected group (Joyful Mysteries) Jesus is born in a stable in Bethlehem.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 4th mystery of the selected group (Joyful Mysteries) Jesus is offered in the temple.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 5th mystery of the selected group (Joyful Mysteries) Jesus is found again in the temple.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
The Luminous Mysteries
Announce the 1st mystery of the selected group *(Luminous Mysteries)* The Baptism of Jesus.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 2nd mystery of the selected group (Luminous Mysteries) Jesus Self-Manifestation at Cana.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 3rd mystery of the selected group (Luminous Mysteries) Proclamation of the kingdom of God.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 4th mystery of the selected group (Luminous Mysteries) The transfiguration.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 5th mystery of the selected group (Luminous Mysteries) Institution of the Eucharist.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Announce the 1st mystery of the selected group (Sorrowful Mysteries) Jesus prays in agony to his heavenly father.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 2nd mystery of the selected group (Sorrowful Mysteries) Jesus is scoured.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 3rd mystery of the selected group (Sorrowful Mysteries) Jesus is crowned with thorns.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 4th mystery of the selected group (Sorrowful Mysteries) Jesus carries his cross to Calvary.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 5th mystery of the selected group (Sorrowful Mysteries) Jesus dies on the cross.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
The Glorious Mysteries
Announce the 1st mystery of the selected group (The glorious mysteries) Jesus rises from death.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 2nd mystery of the selected group (The glorious mysteries) Jesus ascends to Heaven.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 3rd mystery of the selected group (The glorious mysteries) The Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 4th mystery of the selected group (The glorious mysteries) Mary is taken up to haven in body and soul.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.
Announce the 5th mystery of the selected group (The glorious mysteries) Mary is crowned in Heaven.
Think of what the mystery means and say 1 our father.
Say ten Hail Mary’s.
And 1 Glory be to the father.

After The Rosary
Now you should say the
prayer after the rosary
witch was added to the mysteries of the rosary by Pope John Paul ll in his Apostolic letter of October 16th 2002, entitled The Rosary of the Virgin Mary.
And finally we say the
Rosary Novena Prayer
witch should be said with or after the Rosary.
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